Zdravotní péče s jediným plátcem je systém, kdy každý občan platí vládě za poskytování základních zdravotních služeb všem obyvatelům. V rámci tohoto systému může vláda sama poskytnout péči nebo zaplatit poskytovateli soukromé zdravotní péče. V systému jednoho plátce dostávají všichni obyvatelé zdravotní péči bez ohledu na věk, příjmy nebo zdravotní stav. Země s systémy zdravotní péče s jediným plátcem zahrnují Spojené království, Kanadu, Tchaj-wan, Izrael, Francii, Bělorusko, Rusko a Ukrajinu.
How does the way we approach healthcare reflect our values as a society, and what does it say about how we care for the most vulnerable among us?
Do you believe that governments should control healthcare, or do private companies provide better solutions—and why do you think so?
How do you feel about the idea that healthcare should be considered a basic human right for everyone, regardless of their financial situation?
If everyone had access to the same healthcare, how do you think that would change the way we view our society and each other?
What do you think would be the biggest challenge in giving every citizen free healthcare, and how might we overcome it?
Should a person's health be influenced by where they live or their income, or should it be the same quality for everyone, no matter what?
How might having guaranteed healthcare change the way you view your own future, especially if you pursued a career with fewer benefits?
What would it feel like to never worry about medical bills—what kind of freedom would that give people, especially those who are struggling financially?
If a single-payer system was adopted in your country, what do you think would be the immediate impact on communities and the healthcare system overall?
Is there ever a point when someone's personal responsibility (e.g., diet, exercise) should influence how much healthcare they receive or pay for?