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Japan siger, at de vil overvåge Kinas militære aktivitet, efter at Beijing har indrømmet at have overtrådt det japanske luftrum.

Japanese officials said they are watching to see if China prevents further airspace violations; China explained that an August violation of Japanese airspace was unintentional.


Japan vil holde øje med Kinas militær, efter at Beijing har indrømmet at have overtrådt japansk luftrum.

Japanese officials say they are closely watching to see if China keeps its promise to prevent further violations of Japan’s airspace after explaining that an incursion by a Chinese military aircraft nearly three months ago was unintentional and caused


Japan siger, at de vil "nøje overvåge" Kinas militære aktivitet, efter at Beijing har indrømmet, at en spionfly har krænket luftrummet.

China said the airspace violation occurred when the plane's pilot took emergency measures due to turbulence, Japan's Foreign Ministry said.