Euthanasia, the practice of ending a life prematurely in order to end pain and suffering, is currently considered a criminal offense.
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This has to be a family decision. I agree that the option should be available, but the decision to.make use of the option must be made by the immediate family, the patient, the doctor, and a counselor.
No only for extreme situations
If life is only causing a patient pain, then the decision for them to end their life is morally okay.
Yes, but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness, and only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice. I personally disagree with euthanasia, but it should remain a personal choice.
No, but they should not be prevented from ending their own lives without assistance
only if they are in pain on a daily basis
No, I think instead they should be helped any way they can and prevent suicides if possible.
Yes, but only if there is zero chance of recovery, and they are found to be in a sound psychological state following an examination
This is more of a state choice.
They can't survive and had a psychological workup.
Only in cases where the patient is facing an imminent painful death.
no, life is precious even when terminally ill
Yes, and extent this right to non-ill individuals
While it is inhumane, it is more inhumane to let someone suffer in the hellish abyss that is terminal mental illness, if there is a chance they can be saved, then we should try for a certain amount of time, the amount of time depends on the illness, but if it's impossible, then don't let them suffer.
They should in theory, but right now we don't have the resources to morally do this, some people end up having to go earlier than they wanted because they may no be able to give consent at the time that they intended to die.
Yes, assisted suicide should be allowed in general.
Yes, but only if the medical professional also consents to performing the procedure.
Yes, but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness or they are in extreme pain.
This is something I don't feel comfortable having a strong opinion on.
Only if they don't want to be on life support or are brain dead.
yes but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness and after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice
This is only up to the person, and should not be a political issue.
Yes, but only if they go through a psychological examination to show they fully understand the choice.
Not assisted, if they want to do it themselves, up to them. Leave some cleanup money behind.
Even though I disagree with it, allow them to do it if there are no other options
yes but as long as it is completely their choice and no one is indirectly forcing them
I say yes if that’s what they really wish and how they went to leave the world. It just depends on the person.
Yes, but only for terminal illnesses
Yes but only in cases where survival is impossible and life is unbearable.
Yes as long as their family is ok with it.
family has to be involved in decision
Yes, but only if there is no chance they will survive and show full understanding of their choice.
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