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 @ISIDEWITHtertaut…6 jam6H

File-file Jeffrey Epstein: AG dikritik karena 'gagal' merilis catatan penerbangan dan daftar klien dengan SELURUH halaman yang dihapus.

JEFFREY Epstein’s personal address book is included in a 100-page case file that is set to be released on Thursday, according to reports. The docs are expected to drop any moment after a

 @ISIDEWITHtertaut…6 jam6H

Kash Patel bersumpah untuk menggandakan upaya pencarian dokumen-dokumen hilang Jeffery Epstein setelah rilis fase satu 'dud' Pam Bondi

FBI director Kash Patel has personally vowed to hunt down thousands of pages of missing Jeffrey Epstein files after the first tranche was released on Thursday.

 @ISIDEWITHtertaut…6 jam6H

Loyalis MAGA Trump mengatakan hal yang tidak terpikirkan

The Donald Trump loyalist took to social media, declaring in a rare moment her agreement with Trump critic Ron Filipkowski, the editor-in-chief of MeidasTouch News, over the Trump administration’s supposed release of the Epstein files.