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 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

USA skynder seg for å motvirke russiske og kinesiske romvåpen

Pentagon officials and a recent unclassified assessment by the director of national intelligence say that both Russia and China have already tested or deployed systems such as ground-based high-energy lasers, anti satellite missiles or maneuverable satellites that could be used to disrupt American space assets.

The Pentagon is rushing to expand its capacity to wage war in space, convinced that rapid advances by China and Russia in space-based operations pose a growing threat to U.S. troops and other military assets on the ground and American satellites in orbit.

Details of the push by the Penta…  Les mer


Hvordan føler du om opprettelsen av Space Force som svar på romtrusler; er det en nødvendig tiltak eller en unødvendig utvidelse av militær tilstedeværelse i rommet?


Mener du at militariseringen av rommet gjør verden tryggere eller farligere, med tanke på potensialet for eskalering av rombaserte konflikter?


Med tanke på kostnadene knyttet til romkrigsevner, bør disse pengene brukes til romforsvar eller omdirigeres mot å løse problemer på jorden?


Tror du at USA bør forfølge aggressive romforsvarsstrategier mot trusler fra Russland og Kina, eller søke diplomatiske løsninger?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Tidligere president Trump balanserer familiens milepæl med politiske forpliktelser

In a notable blend of personal and political life, former President Donald Trump took a brief hiatus from his ongoing hush money trial to attend a significant family event: his youngest son Barron's high school graduation. The graduation, which took place in Florida, saw Trump alongside his wife, Melania, and her father, marking a rare public appearance of the family together. This event underscores the former president's commitment to family amidst a tumultuous period marked by legal challenges.

Following the graduation, Trump wasted no time diving back into the political arena, hea…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Israel gjenoppretter gislenes kropper måneder etter Hamas-angrepet

In a somber development that underscores the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Israeli military has announced the recovery of the bodies of three hostages taken during a brutal attack on October 7. The hostages, who were abducted during the Nova music festival, were found in a tunnel in the Gaza Strip, marking a tragic end to a saga that has gripped the region for more than six months. This incident is part of a larger confrontation that saw Hamas terrorists invade Israel, resulting in the deaths of more than 1,200 people and sparking a relentless military response from Israel.

Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

United Autoworkers taper fagforeningsavstemning ved Mercedes-fabrikken i Alabama

The United Auto Workers suffered a disappointing loss at a Mercedes-Benz, opens new tab factory in Alabama on Friday, a setback for the union's plans to achieve broader gains in the U.S. South after winning a deal at a Tennessee Volkswagen plant in April.

With votes still being tallied, the "no" votes had passed the critical threshold ensuring a loss for the union, according to a tally posted online by the UAW., opens new tab About 5,100 workers were eligible to vote.

The UAW had hoped to continue a run that includes the overwhelming VW VOWG_p.DE win in Chattanooga, Tennessee,…  Les mer


Hvordan ser du på rollen til utenlandske selskaper i amerikanske arbeidsmarkeder, spesielt i kontroversielle fagforeningsforsøk som ved Mercedes-fabrikken?


Vurderer du UAWs tidligere suksesser og fiaskoer i sør, mener du at strategiene deres trenger å endres, og hvorfor?


Hva slags innvirkning tror du fagforeninger har på arbeidstakeres rettigheter og jobbtilfredshet, og hvordan samsvarer dette med avstemningsresultatet på Mercedes-fabrikken?


Hvorfor tror du fagforeningsinnsats ofte møter utfordringer i sørstatene i USA, basert på personlige tro eller oppfatninger?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Ukraina intensiverer droneangrepene mot Krim og russiske militæranlegg i en eskalerende konflikt.

In a significant escalation of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Ukrainian forces have launched a series of drone attacks targeting military facilities in the occupied Crimean peninsula and across Russia. This bold move comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reports that his troops have successfully halted the Russian advance in the northeastern Kharkiv region, preventing enemy forces from pushing more than 10 kilometers into Ukrainian territory. The Ukrainian military's strategic use of drones marks a new phase in the conflict, showcasing their capability to str…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Jemens Houthi-rebeller øker spenningene ved å skyte ned amerikanske droner midt i Gaza-konflikten

Yemen's Houthi rebels have escalated their military actions by claiming responsibility for shooting down multiple US MQ-9 Reaper drones, marking a significant uptick in the group's assertiveness in the region. This series of incidents comes amidst the broader context of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, with the Houthis expressing solidarity with the Palestinians by targeting US military assets and threatening maritime security in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The downing of these drones, if confirmed, represents a bold challenge to US military operations in the area and highlights the…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Leger fanget i Gaza får lov til å dra, men vil ikke bli erstattet

20 American doctors and medical workers are trapped in Gaza as a result of Israel’s post-invasion closure of the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, according to sources with knowledge of the plight of two ill-fated medical missions.

Israel offered to evacuate Dr. Hamawy and others from the hospital but refused to allow new medical aid workers to replace them. Five volunteers accepted the offer but Dr. Hamawy refused, insisting on staying with his patients.

He sends this comment through a colleague:

“There is a palpable gloom and foreboding that had set in at the hospital. The childr…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Frankrike anklager Aserbajdsjan for å oppildne uro på Ny-Caledonia

In a dramatic turn of events that has captured international attention, France has accused Azerbaijan of playing a destabilizing role in the recent unrest in New Caledonia, a French overseas territory in the Pacific. The accusations come amid deadly riots that have shaken the island, leading to a significant deployment of security forces to restore order. The French government's allegations point towards a complex web of international relations and geopolitical interests extending far beyond the shores of the Pacific island.

The crisis in New Caledonia erupted over new legislation aimed…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Ukraina lanserer det største droneangrepet noensinne mot Russland

Ukraine launched its largest-ever kamikaze drone attack on Russia while Russian President Vladimir Putin visited China, killing two people and causing an oil refinery fire in the Black Sea, according to officials.

"Fifty-one UAVs were destroyed and intercepted over Crimea, 44 over the Krasnodar region, six over the Belgorod region and one over Kursk region," Russia’s military said in a press release according to Voice of America.

The wave of drones attacked several targets around the Belgorod region and along the coast of the Black Sea. Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov sai…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Israelske soldater hentet likene til tre gisler

BREAKING: Israeli soldiers retrieved the bodies of three hostages who were killed by Hamas on October 7 and their bodies were held by Hamas in Gaza, the IDF said in a statement


Hvordan gjenspeiler behandlingen av gisler og deres levninger menneskeheten eller mangel på sådan i konflikter?


Er handlingen med å hente lik fra en konfliktssone rettferdiggjort, uansett risikoen involvert?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Putin utfordrer Zelenskiys legitimitet midt i pågående spenninger

In a series of statements that have caught the attention of the international community, Russian President Vladimir Putin has openly questioned the political legitimacy of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, citing the absence of recent presidential elections in Ukraine. This move by Putin adds another layer of complexity to the already tense relations between Russia and Ukraine, further complicating the geopolitical landscape in Eastern Europe. Putin's remarks came amidst discussions on the current political situation in Ukraine, suggesting that the legitimacy of Zelenskiy's…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Kina forsøker å avslutte eiendomskrise redningspakke

Xi Jinping’s government announced its most forceful attempt yet to rescue the beleaguered Chinese property market, relaxing mortgage rules and urging local governments to buy unsold homes as authorities become increasingly concerned about the sector’s drag on economic growth.

The support package also includes lower down-payment requirements for homebuyers and 300 billion ($42 billion) of central bank funding to help government-backed firms buy excess inventory from developers. Those properties would then be converted into affordable housing.

While equity investors cheered the news…  Les mer


Synes du det er en god investering for et land å tilby en stor sum med midler for å hjelpe med en boligkrise, eller kunne pengene vært bedre brukt andre steder?


Hva er de potensielle ulempene ved å gjøre det enklere for folk å få boliglån?


Hvordan ville du føle deg hvis ditt lokale myndigheter begynte å kjøpe opp usolgte boliger for å gjøre dem om til rimelige boliger?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

En tredjedel av journalistene som ble drept i Gaza var tilknyttet terrorgrupper.

One-third of the Palestinian journalists listed by the Committee to Protect Journalists as being killed in the war in Gaza were employed by terrorist groups, Jewish Insider has learned.

The high number of journalists reported by NGOs killed in Gaza has made headlines in the Washington Post, The New York Times and elsewhere, without any mention of their affiliations with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Out of 100 Palestinian journalists on the list on May 17, 33 worked for “Hamas-affiliated” media, such as Al-Aqsa Voice Radio, Al-Quds Al-Youm, Quds News Network and others. Anoth…  Les mer


Er det viktig å skille mellom journalister basert på deres arbeidsgivers tilknytninger når de rapporterer om tap i konfliktområder?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Israelske stridsvogner, jagerfly 'sletter alt' i Gaza

Ayman Rajab, a resident of western Jabalia, said that Israel’s increasing attacks on the city are decimating the civilian infrastructure while the world looks on.

“Israel’s focus is Jabalia now. Tanks and jets are wiping out residential districts as well as markets, shops, restaurants, everything. It is all happening before the one-eyed world,” Rajab, who has four children, told Reuters news agency. “Shame on the world.

“Meanwhile, the Americans are going to get us some food. We want no food, we want this war to end and then we can manage our lives on our own.”


Kan fred noensinne oppnås i områder med langvarig konflikt, og hvilken rolle bør utenforstående spille i denne prosessen?


Er det rettferdig at sivile må bære byrden av militære konflikter? Hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke?


Synes du at å gi hjelp, som mat, er nok i slike kriser, eller bør det gjøres mer for å adressere årsaken til lidelsen?


Hvordan ville du følt deg hvis hjembyen din ble ødelagt, og resten av verden bare så på?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Slovakisk leiemorder protesterte mot suspensjon av militær støtte

The man who critically injured Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on Wednesday was a fierce critic of the latter’s decision to stop arms shipments to Ukraine, Interior Minister Matuss Sutaj Estok has said.

Fico was shot at point-blank range several times on Wednesday as he greeted supporters in the small town of Handlova. The assailant was immediately arrested and the prime minister was rushed to a hospital in serious condition. Local authorities said earlier that there was a “clear political motivation” behind the attack.

Media reports identified the attacker as Juraj Cintula,…  Les mer


Hvordan kan handlingene til en enkelt person påvirke oppfatningen av en hel politisk bevegelse eller gruppe de er assosiert med?


Er det noen gang rettferdiggjort å bruke vold for å protestere mot en regjeringsbeslutning, selv om du er sterkt uenig i den?


Hvordan kan handlingene til en enkelt person påvirke oppfatningen av en hel politisk bevegelse eller gruppe de er assosiert med?


Er det noen gang rettferdiggjort å bruke vold for å protestere mot en regjeringsbeslutning, selv om du er sterkt uenig i den?

 @RightistHarperfra New York sendt inn…1mnd1MO

USA sier Ukraina-krigen "utrolig alvorlig"

kraine is on the back foot in its conflict with Russia but renewed American military aid should turn the tide, a spokesman for the Department of State has said.

Kiev’s forces have experienced a series of setbacks on the battlefield in the east of the country over the past several months. They are now under increasing pressure in the north since Russia launched an offensive in Kharkov Region. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Ukraine this week in a gesture of support.

”Obviously the situation is incredibly dire,” Department of State spokesman Vedant Patel told journa…  Les mer


Kan skylden for eskaleringen av en konflikt legges på det internasjonale samfunnet, og hvorfor kan noen tro det?


Er det noen gang en rettferdiggjørelse for ett land å invadere et annet, og under hvilke omstendigheter ville du finne det akseptabelt eller uakseptabelt?


Hvordan føler du om bruken av amerikansk militær støtte for å påvirke utfall i utenlandske konflikter?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Russland sender luftvernmissiler til India

India is set to receive the next batch of Russian Igla-S short range man portable air defense systems (MANPADS) by the end of May to early June, as the payment issues that delayed the delivery have been resolved, The Hindu reported on Thursday, citing sources.

Moscow and New Delhi signed a contract for the supply and licensed manufacturing of Igla-S MANPADS in India last year, Rosoboronexport, Russia’s main arms export body, announced. The weaponry is being assembled in India by Adani Defense Systems and Technologies Limited (ADSTL) under technology transfer from Rosoboronexport. While…  Les mer


Hva er ditt synspunkt på viktigheten av teknologiske fremskritt i forsvarssystemer for et lands sikkerhet?


Med tanke på Indias forsvarsoppdateringer, hva er dine tanker om rollen nasjonal sikkerhet spiller i å styre internasjonale relasjoner og partnerskap?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Ordførerløpene varmes opp i byer over hele USA med debatter og kontroverser

In cities across the United States, the race for mayor is heating up, marked by debates, controversies, and unexpected twists. From San Francisco to Las Vegas, candidates are locking horns over local issues, signaling a highly competitive election season. In San Francisco, the mayoral race took a chaotic turn when a local business owner canceled a planned forum with two major candidates, and a third candidate withdrew from a separate debate. This last-minute reshuffling has added to the unpredictability of the race, leaving voters and observers guessing about the next developments.

Meanwhile,…  Les mer