Try the political quiz

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If all cultural norms were state-endorsed, how would you preserve traditions important to you?


How would the dynamic in your favorite sport change if it was governed by strict state rules?


How much trust would you place in a government that claims to know what's best for your health and wellbeing?


How would your sense of community change if neighborhood gatherings were organized by state institutions?


How might your future education or career path be influenced by government-selected experts in those fields?


How would you express your individuality if the government had strict guidelines on media and art?


How would the goals you set for yourself change if the government guaranteed your financial security?


How would you react if all news and media were filtered by the government for 'national unity'?


What traits do you think leaders should have in a state-dominated society?


How might the pursuit of happiness change in a society where the state guarantees all your needs?


If you knew the government would provide for your every need, what would you aspire to achieve?


How do you envision your role in a community where the government makes all the decisions?


Imagine your favorite hobbies are now government-regulated; what would be your concerns?


In a state-controlled society, how would you uphold your personal values?


How would you adapt if the government had the final say in the types of technology you could use?


Would a government stipend for all citizens change your view on work and why?


If the government managed the internet, how do you think online friendships and communities would evolve?


How might your day-to-day decisions change if the state had more say in your lifestyle choices?


Would you be more or less likely to volunteer if the government took over all community services?


Could living under a powerful government influence the way you dream about your future, and if so, how?


How might you feel seeing a government-selected range of books at your local library?


In a world where the state chooses your career, how do you think you'd find personal fulfillment?


Do you think you would be more or less motivated to volunteer in your community if the government handled most social services?


What's the most significant benefit or drawback of having the government as your sole employer?


If the government were to provide all housing, what personal touches would you add to make your space feel like 'home'?


What would be the ideal level of government presence in environmental conservation, through your lens?


How would your friendships and social circles change if government policies influenced where and how you socialize?


How might a day in your life look if all your leisure activities were government-approved?


What are your thoughts on the potential for a government to influence fashion and public self-expression through regulations?


When it comes to technological advances, how do you think government funding priorities should align with the public interest?


Imagine if the music and movies you enjoy were all produced under government oversight; how might that change your taste in entertainment?


What challenges or benefits can arise from government control over social media algorithms?


To what degree do you think a government should be involved in determining curriculum in schools?


If community projects were solely organized by the government, how do you think that would affect local initiatives?


How would you describe your ideal interaction with government regulations in your favorite hobby or sport?


What worries or comforts you about the idea of the government having a say in cultural norms and practices?


How do you think your aspirations would change if the government had a say in your career path?


What do you envision as the role of youth in shaping government policies that directly affect their future?


If your diet were influenced by government food regulations, how would you imagine your meals to be different?


What emotions come to mind when you consider the prospect of government-provided housing?


How would you feel about your favorite online platforms being regulated by the government?


How do you envision a strong government's impact on technological innovation and internet freedom?


If the government provided all educational resources, how do you think this would shape your learning experience?


Imagine a world without economic inequality; how might a strong state facilitate or hinder this?


How would the presence of a strong government influence your choices in where to live or what job to take?


To what extent should governments prioritize environmental protection over economic growth, and why?


In what way could your family benefit from, or be challenged by, a government that provides more social services?


How do you think varying levels of government intervention can impact the fight against climate change?


Do you think a government's responsibility is to ensure everyone's happiness, or should it focus on other priorities?


Do you believe that increased government surveillance could be justified if it meant higher national security?