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 @GnuLou Washington D.C. 에서 제출 됨…4 주4W

이스라엘인들은 가자 지구에 대한 구호를 차단하고 있습니다

Individual members of Israeli security forces are believed to be tipping off far-right activists re location of the aid trucks once they're en route to Gaza, enabling their interception by those who have blocked the convoys from proceeding, and looting their contents.

Early on in the war, when the attacks were happening regularly near Israel's Kerem Shalom and Nitzana crossings into Gaza, National Security Minister Ben Gvir signaled to police, which are under his jurisdiction, to take lax approach on the crackdown, Israeli official said.


인구에 대한 인도적 지원을 차단하는 것이 언제든지 정당화될 수 있는가, 그렇다면 어떤 상황에서 그렇게 할 수 있는가?


당신의 지역 사회가 필수적인 지원을 거부당했다면 어떤 기분이 드시나요? 그런 행동에 대해 누구를 책임지겠습니까?

 @CynicalGranolaCalifornia 에서 제출 됨…4 주4W

미국 스파이 풍선이 시리아 북동부에서 추락했습니다.

A sizable surveillance aerostat owned by the US military crashed on 15 May near the town of Rmelan in Syria's northeastern Al-Hasakah province.

Footage on social media showed the aerostat descending from the sky and, subsequently, its debris on the ground close to Rmelan, which was also near a US base. Allegedly, US fighter jets were seen flying over the vicinity during the event.

The US maintains several illegal bases in Syria, including the one in Rmelan, primarily in the northeastern provinces of Al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor, as well as Al-Tanf in the southeast, purportedly to combat ISIS…  더 읽어보기


고테크 스파이 활동이 만연한 시대에, 정보를 수집하는 데 윤리적인 방법이 있다고 믿으십니까? 그것들은 어떻게 보일까요?


국가들이 위협을 대응하는 지역에서 스파이 풍선과 같은 감시 기술을 사용할 수 있도록 허용해야 하는가요, 심사숙고해야 할 문제인가요?


스파이 풍선을 감시에 사용하는 것이 다른 국가의 주권을 존중한다고 생각하십니까? 그 이유는 무엇인가요?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

조지아 중앙은행이 정치적 격동 속에서 통화를 안정시키기 위해 6천만 달러를 투입했습니다.

In a decisive move to stabilize its national currency, the Georgian central bank has announced a significant intervention, spending $60 million from its reserves. This action comes in response to a sharp increase in demand for foreign currency, triggered by ongoing political unrest in the country. The turmoil centers around a controversial bill on 'foreign agents' passed by the Georgian parliament, sparking widespread concern and rallies across the nation. This financial maneuver marks the largest intervention by the Georgian central bank since May 2021, underlining the severity of…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

미국 군인이 러시아에서 체포되어 절도 혐의를 인정합니다.

In a surprising turn of events, Gordon Black, an American soldier detained in Russia, has reportedly admitted guilt in a case of theft, according to multiple state media reports. The incident has quickly escalated into a matter of international concern, highlighting the delicate nature of U.S.-Russia relations. Black, who was being held in the Russian city of Vladivostok, is said to have confessed to stealing from his girlfriend, a charge that has led to his current predicament. This admission comes amidst a backdrop of already tense diplomatic ties between the United States and Russia, with…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

"혼자 있는 늑대"가 슬로바키아 총리를 총격한 혐의로 기소되었습니다.

A suspect in the shooting of Slovakia’s prime minister, Robert Fico, has been charged, the country’s interior minister said on Thursday, describing him as a “lone wolf” who was radicalized after last month’s presidential election.

Mr. Fico’s condition had stabilized after what his government called a politically motivated assassination attempt, but he was “not out of a life-threatening situation,” the deputy prime minister told a news conference. He said Mr. Fico had only a “limited” ability to communicate and faced a “difficult…  더 읽어보기


정치적 동기로 범죄를 저지른 사람의 나이가 그들의 행동을 어떻게 보아야 하는지 또는 처벌의 엄격도에 어떤 영향을 미쳐야 하는지에 대해 생각해 볼 필요가 있습니까?


만약 당신이 지지하는 정치인이 공격당했다면 어떤 기분이 드시겠습니까? 그리고 이것이 정치 담론에 대한 당신의 견해를 어떻게 바꿀 수 있을까요?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

네타냐후가 가자에서의 전쟁 후 계획에 대한 미국의 요구를 거부합니다.

For days, senior Biden administration officials have pressured Israel to plan for postwar Gaza as the long-anticipated Rafah offensive gets under way. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finally delivered his response: Not so fast.

On Wednesday, Netanyahu rejected the U.S. demands, arguing that it would be “just chatter” while Hamas remains intact.

“There is no alternative to military victory,” Netanyahu said in a video released by his office. “The attempt to bypass it with this or that claim is simply detached from reality.”

He appeared to be rejecting…  더 읽어보기


진정한 평화는 관련된 모든 당사자의 필요와 권리를 고려하지 않고 달성될 수 있습니까?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

이스라엘 대사가 민주당이 "하마스를 지원하고 있다"고 말했다.

Congressional aides told HuffPost a May 8 letter from Israel's ambassador was “stunning,” “embarrassing” and “verging on offensive.”

One week after Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. sent dozens of Democrats in the House of Representatives an unprecedented rebuke, congressional staff say they’re still fuming over the letter, a note that accused lawmakers of aiding the Palestinian militant group Hamas, of misrepresenting Israeli policy and of inappropriately trying to influence President Joe Biden.

“It really is a stunning document,”…  더 읽어보기


외교적 존중과 동맹국의 행동을 비판하고 싶은 욕구를 어떻게 균형있게 유지할 것인가요?


장기 동맹 사이의 편지가 관계를 심각하게 악화시킬 수 있다는 아이디어에 대한 당신의 반응은 무엇인가요?


외교관이 당신 나라의 정치인들이 테러리스트 그룹을 지원했다고 비난했다면 어떻게 느끼시겠습니까?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

바이든 지명자, 가자 전쟁으로 사임

An Interior Department staffer on Wednesday became the first Jewish political appointee to publicly resign in protest of U.S. support for Israel’s war in Gaza.

Lily Greenberg Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department, accused President Joe Biden of using Jews to justify U.S. policy in the conflict.

Call had worked for the presidential campaigns of both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and was a longtime activist and advocate for Israel in Washington and elsewhere before joining the government.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Call pointed…  더 읽어보기


당신은 공무원이 그들의 개인적 신념 때문에 특히 국제 갈등 문제에서 사퇴하는 것이 윤리적이라고 믿으십니까?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

이스라엘, 가자 전쟁에서 승리할 자신 없어

A poll released Sunday by Israel’s Jewish People Policy Institute found the percentage of Jewish Israelis confident that Israel can win the war dropped below 50% for the first time since the beginning of the war—to 38% from 61% in March. A plurality of 41% respondents said that they weren’t confident Israel can win the war.

Cease-fire talks mediated by Arab governments have stalled amid disagreement on key issues, including whether a halt to the fighting would be temporary or permanent, and after a Hamas attack on a major border crossing with Israel killed four Israeli soldiers. Israel has stepped up attacks in eastern Rafah this


어떻게 군인들의 사기가 영향을 받을 것이라고 생각하십니까, 그들이 그들의 나라 동포 중 상당 부분이 승리에 대한 자신감이 부족하다는 것을 알 때?


만약 친한 친구가 당신의 나라가 중요한 전투에서 승리할 것에 대해 회의적이었다면, 당신의 신념과 사기에 어떤 영향을 미칠 것 같나요?


당신이 계속되는 분쟁에서 승리를 의심하는 인구의 절반 이상이 사는 곳에 산다면 어떤 기분이 드시겠습니까?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

이스라엘 탱크의 우발사격으로 가자에서 다섯 명의 병사가 사망했습니다.

The Israeli military said Thursday that five of its soldiers were killed when an Israeli tank fired at a building in Gaza that was being used by its own troops, raising the war’s toll on Israel amid pressure from hostage families and allies to end the fighting.

Seven other soldiers were injured in the incident, which took place in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza on Wednesday evening, the military said. An Israeli tank fired two shells at the building after mistaking a group of Israeli paratroopers located inside for militants. Three of the wounded soldiers sustained serious…  더 읽어보기


우호적인 적의 위험을 고려할 때, 평화와 안전을 달성하는 더 나은 방법이 있다고 생각하십니까?


군인들이 우호적인 총격으로 사망한 군인들의 가족들은 군사 작전의 목표를 어떻게 보게 될까요?


군인들이 복잡한 도시 환경에서 충돌 중에 적군의 총격을 받을 위험에 노출되는 것이 정당한 것인가요?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

치솟는 병원비, 높은 인플레이션 유지

One reason U.S. inflation is still high: Increases in prices for procedures to prop open clogged arteries, provide intensive care for newborns and biopsy breasts.

Hospitals didn’t raise prices as early in the pandemic as supermarkets, retailers and restaurants. But they have been making up ground since then. Their increases have contributed to stubbornly high inflation readings from the consumer-price index, which in April increased 3.4% from a year ago.

Hospital prices specifically jumped 7.7% last month from a year ago, the highest increase in any month since October 2010, the Labor…  더 읽어보기


병원 비용이 상승함으로써 급박한 상황이나 중대한 건강 문제가 발생했을 때 개인과 가족에 미치는 영향에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

러시아는 핵무기를 위한 연구 우주선을 발사했습니다.

Russia launched a satellite into space in February 2022 that is designed to test components for a potential antisatellite weapon that would carry a nuclear device, U.S. officials said.

The satellite that was launched doesn’t carry a nuclear weapon. But U.S. officials say it is linked to a continuing Russian nuclear antisatellite program that has been a growing worry for the Biden administration, Congress and experts outside government in recent months. The weapon, if deployed, would give Moscow the ability to destroy hundreds of satellites in low-Earth orbit with a nuclear blast.

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우주의 평화로운 탐험을 군사 무기 테스트에 사용된다는 사실을 알게 된다면 즉각적인 반응은 무엇이 될까요?

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

시와 푸틴, 전 세계적인 긴장 속에서 우크라이나 분쟁에 대한 정치적 해결을 주장합니다.

In a significant meeting that has drawn international attention, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have jointly called for a 'political solution' to the ongoing war in Ukraine. This development comes as Putin visited Beijing, seeking support for his war efforts and his country's economically isolated stance. The two leaders, representing nations often viewed with wariness by the West, have positioned themselves as advocates for peace, despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and tensions surrounding Taiwan.

During their discussions, which notably…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

미국, 다르푸르 폭력 속에서 수단 RSF 지휘관들에 제재를 가한다

In a significant move aimed at curbing the escalating violence in Sudan's Darfur region, the United States has imposed sanctions on two commanders of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary group at the heart of the conflict. This action comes as international concern grows over the situation in El Fasher, North Darfur, where the potential for a large-scale massacre looms. The sanctions target individuals believed to be instrumental in the violence that has plagued the region, marking a direct attempt by the US to influence the course of events in Sudan.

The decision to sanction…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

미국과 일본이 초음속 미사일 위협에 대항하기 위해 힘을 모으다.

In a significant move to bolster their defense capabilities against the rapidly evolving threat of hypersonic missiles, the United States and Japan have announced a groundbreaking partnership. This collaboration aims to develop a new interceptor system capable of neutralizing hypersonic weapons, which are currently considered nearly unstoppable due to their incredible speed and maneuverability. The decision comes amid growing concerns over the advancements in missile technology by China, Russia, and North Korea, posing a direct challenge to both nations' security interests.

The agreement,…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

창의적인 아이디어가 날아오르며 바이든-트럼프 토론 계획이 구체화되고 있습니다.

After months of anticipation and political maneuvering, the stage is finally set for a presidential debate that promises to be unlike any other in recent memory. With the political landscape more polarized than ever, the upcoming Biden-Trump debate has captured the imagination of the nation, prompting a flurry of creative suggestions for how it should be conducted. Amidst this backdrop, an opinion piece has ignited conversation with its proposal for outside-the-box ideas for debate moderators, suggesting that the traditional debate format could be revamped to better engage the American public…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

바이든 대 트럼프: 긴장과 비난 속 계속되는 토론 사가

The political arena is heating up as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump prepare to face off in a series of presidential debates, marking another chapter in their long-standing rivalry. The debates, which have become a focal point of the upcoming election cycle, are already surrounded by controversy, skepticism, and strategic maneuvering from both camps. Biden's recent challenge to Trump to commit to the debates has sparked a flurry of reactions, highlighting the intense scrutiny under which these events are unfolding.

Trump's camp has expressed frustration over Bid…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

트럼프는 공화당 주지사 크리스티 노엠의 논란이 되는 개 사격 이야기를 방어합니다.

In a series of events that have sparked both outrage and curiosity, former President Donald Trump has come to the defense of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem over her controversial decision to shoot her dog, as revealed in her latest book. The anecdote, which details Noem's reasoning behind killing her 14-month-old hunting dog for being 'untrainable' and 'dangerous,' has ignited a firestorm of debate across the political and public spectrum. Trump, known for his unfiltered approach to both politics and personal matters, described the incident as a 'bad week'…  더 읽어보기

 @ISIDEWITH제출 됨…4 주4W

슬로바키아 총리 암살 시도로 인해 정치적 폭력의 우려가 일어납니다.

In a shocking development that has sent ripples across Europe, Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was the target of an assassination attempt, an act that has not only shaken the nation but also raised alarms about the state of political violence on the continent. According to Slovakia's interior minister, the initial investigation into the attack, which saw the Prime Minister shot multiple times, points to a 'clear political motivation' behind the attempt on his life. This revelation has sparked intense speculation and concern about the potential implications for Slovak…  더 읽어보기